MIDI-MT - Installation

MIDI-MT Documentation in English

Installing the application

Installation should not be difficult; you need to download the installation package MIDIMT_xXX.msi, or MIDIMT_xXX.exe from the latest available release and run the installation in the standard way.

You can download and install MIDI-MT using Chocolatey Software package manager. To install, just run the command:

    choco install midimt

Also, you can use the portable version for the x64 platform, which does not require prior installation.

Before running MIDI-MT, you must install the following components:

You can read more about installing these components in the Dependencies section.

To quickly configure your EasyControl9 MIDI controller, you can use the settings file for the manufacturer’s EasyControl Setup application. The settings file for the MIDI-MT application is in Json format and its settings must match the controller settings. Descriptions of settings in Json format are described in the section on settings.